reiga 52-in Ceiling Fan with Dimmable LED Light Kit

Silicon steel DC motor delivers ultra-powerful air movement mute rotation energy efficient and long service life. ETL certification. Remote Control All operations can be controlled by the remote control adjust the lighting switch of the ceiling fan dimmiing (white light - warm light - yellow light) 6 wind speeds and supports timing (1 3 6 hours) sleep shutdown. The fan or illumination can be turned on separately. Two-way rotation The reversible control function allows you to switch the direction of the modern ceiling fan from downward airflow during the summer to upward during the cooler winter period to reclaim lost heat from the ceiling and and cutting down on energy costs. Easy to install Diameter 52 inches 2 down-rods 6 inch and 10 inch for low and ceiling height hanging system ensure that the fan is well balanced.Downrods Diameter 1.04 Applicable Place 100sq.ft-250sq.ft living room bedroom dining room office kitchen restaurant etc. We offer 30 days unsatisfied replacement free or return 100% redund service.



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