WOODYHOME Simple C Shaped End Table for Sofa

C-SHAPED DESIGN The C shaped couch table that slide under sofa or bed for small spaces making it very convenient and space saving STURDY FRAME AND DURABLE This C shaped sofa side table is made of metal frame and thickened board. The finsh for the sofa table is scratch resistant water resistant easy to clean and not easy to fall off MULTIFUNCTIONAL SIDE TABLE 22(L)x14(W)x26(H) inch this C shaped side table 26 in tall can also be coffee tables sofa tables laptop tables and dining tables for living room and bedroom UNIQUE FEET AND BALANCE The sofa side table feet have plastic pads to prevent slip and scratch the floor. The screws on C table legs can be rotated to adjust the stability and balance of the couch table EASY TO INSTALL We provide good package for wide side table that can reduce the chance of receiving a damaged c side table and detailed instructions will help you install it correctly and quickly



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