Spin Mop Wringer Bucket

Clean Your House Faster Yes it s true Gone are the days of putting excessive effort in order to force out water from your mop- now you can save time and effort as our Easy-Press system allows you to spin off excess water with only one move just push the handle against the bucket spinner - mopping made easy for even junior and senior Splash-Guard Wringer Basket If you are sick and tired of dirty splash spray on your floors while spin drying in the basket then our detachable splash-guard stainless steel wringer basket is going to make your day a breeze Its encapsulated wringer basket prevents all the water splash out and only drains into the bucket leaves a fresh and clean sensation behind without excessive spatter - what else do you need Ergonomics Design Now you are given the chance to feel our intimate caring for your tough mopping task as our 360 swivel head moves flexibly- it rotates up to 180 in order to clean under your furniture and along baseboards. As well a spin washer for getting the dirt out and an anti-slip bucket hand grip for easy carry. We also include 2 absorbent refills & an extra cleaning brush accessories for you which cleans the tough-job floor. Upgraded Self-Balanced Bucket No foot pedal No plastic spinning axis No other unnecessary moving parts (wheels agitator) to break or cause leaks. Most importantly unlike others buckets you may have been used to which are imbalanced after water loading ours is constructed with self-balanced easywring technology such that you won t spill water all over during movement. Carry it around your house without the hassle Please rest assured to buy.



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