Reading Lounge Pillow with Arms and Pockets Gray

DELUXE READING PILLOW Experience ultimate comfort with the ComfortSpa shredded foam reading pillow that perfectly adjusts to your position for your personal comfort. Full-sized ARMS with TWO SIDE POCKETS to keep your phone glasses book tablet or remote accessible and close at hand PERFECTLY SIZED BED WEDGE This ComfortSpa backrest measures a full 18 inches high and 15 inches wide providing a firm back support pillow . Each arm extends out 11 inches to support your shoulders and neck reducing shoulder and neck pain. While large enough for an adult this back rest can be used by the entire family. VERSATILE COMFORT Lounge cushion provides comfortable back support for sitting up in bed as you read a good book while watching TV or even surfing on your laptop or tablet before falling asleep. If you re on bedrest or suffer from GERD or heartburn use as a wedge to elevate your upper body to help you stay more comfortable and sleep better . EASY CARE Our Comfort Spa lounge pillow has a beautiful grey velour polyester cover that feels delightful and is easy to spot clean with a damp cloth. The shredded foam padding doesn t clump so it stays soft and comfortable. The attached fabric handle makes it easy to carry your pillow with you from room to room.



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