Remote Control Dog Robot

Remote And Hand Gesture Control Robot You can play the dog with two modes. Infrared remote control with control range 33ft. Gesture control. Through hand gesture the robot dog can move forward backward turn left turn right easily. With built-in infrared sensor The robotic dog can auto sense and avoid obstacles before hitting on its way. Excellent toy robots for toddlers. Intelligent Rc Dog With Many Tricks Programmable you can program up to 50 actions as you like then the dog will repeat what you programmed Act Cute the puppy can show various LED expressions rather than a cool machine. Imitate dog walk slide cruise auto demo twist bark bow wow Just like the real puppy Being the best kids robot on the market. Singing Dancing And Playing Instruments The remote control robot is of many gifts. It can dance when singing 3 musics 5 popular songs from Tik Talk. What s more the small robot toy can also play 4 instruments. Children can dance together with it and interact with it. High-quality Material And Lasting Battery Flexible waist multi-joints shoulders and smooth skating wheels enhances the dexterity and fluency of this small robot s moves. Comes with 3.7V 600mAh rechargeable battery the smart robot dog will provide 2-3 hours fun after 2 hour charge with USB. Good Company For Kids Toddlers Great option of keeping a puppy if your kids are allergic to real puppy. It offers a real experience of having a puppy at home without dealing with mess and feeding it which would be a great gift for your toddlers boys and girls for Christmas or Birthday. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers



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