Dynatrap Insect Trap

The DynaTrap Insect Trap with Optional Wall Mount attracts and traps flying insects while also providing versatility in placement. Designed with varied placement in mind this trap allows you to mount traps from a wall hang from a hook or place on a flat surface so you can be protected no matter where you are on your property. The insect trap provides acre of coverage and comes with wall mounts for your convenience. While the DynaTrap Insect Trap is versatile and durable even in adverse weather conditions. This trap is engineered for 3-way protection. First a UV fluorescent bulb generates a warm light attracting insects. Then a second lure an exclusive Ti02 titanium dioxide-coated surface produces CO2 that s irresistible to mosquitoes. Third a powerful yet whisper-quiet vacuum fan sucks insects into the retaining cage where they dehydrate and die. Attracts and captures a variety of pest insects including mosquitoes and biting flies Versatile design can be wall-mounted or hung to protect a wide variety of spaces. Delivers 3-way protection even in adverse weather conditions Durable trap can withstand adverse weather conditions Provides protection for up to acre of your home and property Mounting hardware included



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