Expandable Cobweb duster

HAND-PACKAGED NO SMASHED BRISTLES bristles are big and full not smashed like others. Cobweb Dusters are Hand-Packaged in San Luis Obispo CA. Bristles are stiff but with enough give perfect for cleaning those pesky outdoor spider webs. SAVE TIME SKIP THE LADDER REACH UP TO 18-20 FEET WHEN STANDING Included is Eversprout Extension Pole (4.5 to 12 ft) and Cobweb Duster (9 x 5 x 5 ). with cobweb duster head and telescoping pole duster that had webster spider web remover THE EVERSPROUT ADVANTAGE 1 TREE PLANTED WITH EVERY ORDER - This is perfect as a spiderweb cleaning brush with sweeper duster attachment SAY BYE BYE TO COBWEBS AND DUST High-quality lightweight easy to use Cobweb Duster with Extension Pole. Built to last and with user experience in mind. Perfect for cleaning tall hard to reach spots inside and outside high ceilings tight corners walls beams and more THE ULTIMATE EXTENSION POLE ON THE MARKET TODAY Lightweight Aluminum pole weighs only 1.5 pounds and is very sturdy. Non-Slip Foam Hand Grips for comfort and reliable grip in wet conditions with cob web brush long retractale



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