Retail Sales Consultant - Portsmouth NH

As a Retail Sales Consultant you ll be the face of AT& T providing personalized interactions with our customers. You ll deliver excellent customer service while being courteous and knowledgeable of the full suite of AT& T products and services. Being courteous takes on new meaning in today s environment it is more than just service with a smile. It is creating a meaningful connection between each customer and our brand. Your ability to provide an effortless experience will be rewarded as you work to meet key objectives and sales goals.We offer a ton of benefits including Medical Dental Vision 401k paid training Career advancement as well as Tuition reimbursement for those looking to further their education.Our current full-time Retail Sales Consultants earn an average of 20 hour in total compensation when successfully meeting or exceeding sales goals. With our uncapped commission opportunities overachieving those goals earn top sellers 62 460 per year.If you are considering jobs like Wireless Sales Consultant Retail Associate Retail Sales Associate or Retail Team Member this career move would be a great fit At AT& T the safety of our employees and customers remains our top priority. We are committed to following all protective and safe-distancing guidelines required by local & state authorities in response to COVID-19. Ready to join our sales team Apply today ConnectingOurCommunities Check local postings for details NHRetailRSC



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