PR 1331835Cashier And Food Server

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Rockford Illinois 61103 is currently hiring a PR 1331835 Cashier And Food Server Job Description Cashier And Food Server PeopleReady ofRockford IL is now hiringCashiers And Food Servers Apply today and you could start as soon as tomorrow. No resume or interview required - yep you read that right. As a PeopleReady associate you ll benefit from The freedom to work where you want when you want and as often as you want. Next-day pay for many of our open positions. The ability to choose long-term positions for steady work or short-term positions if you just want some extra cash. The ability to sign up for jobs right from our mobile app JobStack Pay Rate The pay rate for this job is 16 hour What you ll be doing as aCashier And Food Server Performing opening duties such as setting tables polishing glasses folding napkins and replenishing condiments. Attending pre-shift and general meetings to update knowledge of special offers and stock-related issues and to discuss service and product matters. Assisting management and hosts to meet greet and seat guests and issuing them food and wine menus. Introducing yourself to guests and informing them of special offers and stock shortages before they select items off the menu. Ensuring beverages are served swiftly and replenished continuously. Ensuring accuracy when entering orders into point of sale (POS) system. Following up on food and beverage orders with back of house (BOH). Checking on guests to establish satisfaction with product and overall experience and providing management with feedback. Issuing guests with their check on request and greeting and thanking them sincerely on departure. Performing closing duties such as sweeping and vacuuming and preparing linens for collection by laundry service. Available shifts Shift Timing -1st Shift (Day) 2nd Shift (Evening) and Weekends Job requirements 1 years work experience in upmarket or high volume restaurant. Completion of product knowledge training and written and verbal exams. Proficient with maintaining solid customer base. Excellent verbal communication skills. Outstanding people skills. Well-groomed professional appearance. Available to work shifts extended hours over weekends and holidays. Physically fit agile and dexterous. Ability to stand and walk for extended periods. Proficient time-management skills. Compass group package background Compass group healthcare and senior living package background Covid-19 vaccine card Ready to take control of the way you work Complete our application to join the PeopleReady team today. In case you missed it no resumes or interviews are required CHIMSC



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