Scrawny Munchkin Kittens For Sale

Scrawny Munchkin Kittens For Sale. My cats (Mom and Dad) get regular check-ups with my vet at least two times a year and are vaccinated annually. I am feeding my cats the Royal Canin cat dry wet food along with various nutrient supplements. For their babies I am providing them the cleanest and finest environment so that they can have healthy and happy toddler weeks. The babies are fully breastfed for at least 8 weeks and are having Royal Canin food during the transition to weaning off. Their rooms are equipped with multiple cat towers and lots of toys and I believe this will help them to develop their brain and muscle all around. I can say very confidently that my cats kittens are very healthy and well maintained in a great care. Please contact me for any questions and more photos videos. If you have any questions before purchasing kittens text us at 430-755-O5O4



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