Truck Care Level 1 Technician - Kearney MO

CLICK LINK TO APPLY s en position truck-care-level-1-technician-kearney-mo-kear ney-mo-us-1 IMMEDIATELY HIRING APPLY TODAY We are a service and retreading market leader with over 200 Commercial Tire Centers and Truck Care Centers located across the United States. We have the unique ability to service the largest nationwide commercial fleets while also providing friendly hometown service to regional and local fleets. Our mission statement is SERVICE EXCELLENCE ALWAYS . Goodyear Commercial Tire & Service Centers (CTSC) are owned by Goodyear which makes them uniquely qualified to offer you trusted tires reliable services and powerful management tools to help you lower your operating costs. It s all part of Goodyear s Total Solution for commercial and off-the-road fleets. General Description As a Goodyear Truck Care Level 1 Technician you will work in a Goodyear Truck Care Center which is an on-highway location providing light mechanical service and tire service to the Commercial Trucking industry. Responsibilities will include but not be limited to Performing light mechanical work on commercial highway trucks and trailers including Electrical Wiring & Lights Alignment Exhaust Brakes & Air System Driveline & Suspension Air Conditioning Engine Cooling & Radiator Fuel System Must be willing and able to perform on-call service as needed Stocking tires and other areas as needed. Providing Service Excellence - Always to meet the service goals of the location and of customers. Perform a variety of manual tasks for extended periods of time which may include light and heavy lifting including commercial tires and wheels standing bending and squatting Basic Requirements Must have a valid driver s license for the type of vehicle required for the position and be able to meet commercial driver qualification requirements. Must be at least 21 years of age. No relocation is being offered for this position. Candidates must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without company sponsorship now or in the future. Preferred Qualifications High School Diploma or GED. At least one year of previous commercial truck service. Candidate Criteria Strong oral communication ability. Commitment to follow all safety procedures and work in a safe manner. Must be able to work in a results-oriented fast-paced environment as part of a team. Must be a self-starter and willing to take initiative able and willing to work without direct supervision and be willing to attend appropriate training sessions.



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