Known to be loving gentle and tolerant in spite of its size Saint Bernards are a good with families with well-behaved children. In addition they are eager to please making training easier.Saint Bernards are very large powerful muscular dogs.A male Saint Bernard s height can range between 28 and 30 inches and he can weigh between 140 and 180 pounds (63 to 81 kilograms). A female s height may range between 26 and 28 inches and she may weigh between 120 and 140 pounds (54 to 63 kilograms).The dogs may be longhaired or shorthaired. Coat colors include red and white brown and white and brindle and white. Some dogs have dark masks over their eyes. The ears are set high on the head and are floppy. The eyes are dark and a little droopy. The forehead is fairly wrinkled. Saint Bernards also have jowls which makes them prone to drooling.Because the dogs are so large they take longer than many other breeds to mature fully. They generally do not reach their full size until they are 2 or 3 years old.



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