Rottweilers are slightly longer than tall large dogs ranging in height from 22 inches for a small female to 27 inches for a large male. Weights go from 80 to 120 pounds (36 to 54 kilograms).Rottweilers are blocky dogs with massive heads. Ears lie fairly tight to the head hanging down somewhat. Muzzles are square and strong but rottweilers can be a bit drooly because of loose flews (lips). Rottweilers should always be black with tan points and the ideal coat is quite short dense and a bit harsh. Occasionally a fluffy puppy will turn up in a litter but that coat is disqualified in the breed ring. Tails are docked very short ideally one to two vertebrae long.As is common with the larger breeds rottweilers can be slow maturing. Many do not reach full adult size until 2 or 3 years of age although adult height is often set by one year of age. These dogs will fill out broadening their chests and becoming the massive dogs we expect with age.



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