Collections Specialist

Collections Specialist needs 2 years collections AR experienceCollections Specialist requires Exceptional communication skills both verbal and written Exhibit confidence to quickly evaluate a situation to find the best solution for both the client Function well independently and in a team orientated environment Comfortable forming strong and lasting relationships with clients over the phone Professional and Energetic when dealing with clients leaving them with a positive experience impression Excellent multi-tasking skills Ability to take constructive critique and implement training concepts into your own voice Collections Specialist duties Interact with B2B clients who have financed equipment or executed a working capital loan for their business with CIT Collect delinquent balances on customer accounts by initiating communication and negotiating payments Service a portfolio of delinquent customer accounts Performs day-to-day activities in a fast-paced environment to ensure effective account management on collection accounts Communicates via phone conversations email fax and letters with customers concerning status of invoice payments Performs reconciliations for accounts to maintain accuracy Interfaces with Sales Operations and Finance departments to resolve billing collection and credit issues Establishes strong working relationships with the sales team to support collections efforts Works with customers in a proactive manner to resolve discrepancies Reconciles account status using current and historical invoicing and payment activity analysis Acts as a liaison with financial operations regarding the research on misapplied or payment issues Resolves all overdue account balances unassigned cash and payment discrepancies through research communication and follow up with customers or sales teams Monitors changes in customer financial status and payment patterns Audits and maintains customer accounts to make sure terms are accurate and customer profiles have current information



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