3 best old age homes in delhi that are doing an excellent job at

It is a home away from home for the abandoned old people in society. With more than 970 people rehabilitated and sent to their homes. The home provides free food, shelter, medical care, clothing, love and affection to elderly people who have no one or who have been let down. They also have 500 beds of physiotherapy and healthcare units available. https://www.goldenstick.org/old-age-home-delhi.php Name - Golden Stick Address- Gate no. 4 D-Block, Shubham Enclave, Reserve Bank Enclave, Paschim Vihar, Delhi, 110063 Phone - 7053705371 Social Media Links https://www.facebook.com/Golden-Stick-110193nn211570281 https://www.goldenstick.org/ https://www.goldenstick.org/old-age-home-delhi.php [email protected] #OldAgeHomeDelhi #Old_Age_Home_Delhi #RetirementHomesinDelhi #Retirement_Homes_in_Delhi #Private_Old_Age_Home_in_Delhi #PrivateOldAgeHomeinDelhi #Adult_Care _Home_Delhi #AdultCareHomeDelhi #Senior_Citizens_Homes_in_Delhi #SeniorCitizensHomesinDelhi #Elderly_Care_Old_Age_Home_in_Delhi #ElderlyCareOldAgeHomeinDelhi #Luxury_Old_Age_Homes_in_Delhi #LuxuryOldAgeHomesinDelhi



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