PR 1294007Consession Worker

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Portsmouth Virginia 23704 is currently hiring a PR 1294007 Consession Worker Job Description PeopleReady ofSuffolk has an immediate opening forConsession Workers inPortsmouth VA. We are seeking a Concessions Attendant to join our growing team You will be responsible for maintaining operations and assisting customers. Note - Pay Rate for this Job is 13 Hour. Shift Timing - 2nd Shift (Evening) Responsibilities Ability to provide excellent guest service while working in a very fast-paced environment Serve food beverages or desserts to customers in a very fast-paced environment Greet and service guests at the registers taking orders Prepare food such as popcorn hot dogs ice cream dishes and fountain sodas using standard formulas or following directions Scrub and polish counters steam tables and other equipment and clean dishes and fountain equipment Qualifications Qualified candidate will be a mature responsible dependable individual who enjoys working in a fast paced environment Must satisfactorily fulfill all departmental training requirements Must utilize excellent customer service skills to enhance event experience and meet the needs of guests with a positive attitude Must be able to multi-task and be self-motivated Standing stooping and bending for long periods of time Adherence to a uniform policy and grooming standards -must present a neat professional appearance Must be willing to work a flexible schedule that includes nights weekends holidays and special events Are you ready to win BIG in April 100 000in cash and prizes up for grabs Here is how it works Every day you work during the month of April 2022 you ll be automatically entered into a daily drawing for the chance to win cash prizes Each day well randomly select three winners 1stplace - 1 000 2ndplace - 750 3rdplace - 500 Every Friday we ll announce the winners. You can win more than once each week the more you work the more chances you have to win. For every day you work you ll also be entered into our grand prize drawing for aCar or 25 000 cash The Work Win Drive Sweepstakes is only open to associates and tradespeople in the U.S. (excluding Puerto Rico and all U.S. territories and possessions). Please see theTerms and Conditionsfor specific eligibility requirements.



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